Saratoga Sailing Club News
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Australian Championships 2016-17 Regatta Results
18 Jan 2017
How to Sail: The Ultimate Guide
18 Jan 2017
How to Sail: The Ultimate Guide
18 Jan 2017
Australian Championships Notice of Race
26 Oct 2016
Sailing 16/10/16
16 Oct 2016
Results this week are:
TS16: 1st Place BENNI 2nd Place PRECIOUS 3rd Place Elasari 4th Place IT 5th Place Jabaru Mixed Fleet: 1st Place Simply the best 2nd Place Romaris 3rd Place SaraT |
2015/2016 --race26--3/4/16
04 Apr 2016
ts16-fastest-PRECIOUS-steve brett& clair 2nd-JABIRU-john horler,fiona kotzer 3rd-ELASARI-alan scott,bec bowman--hcp 1st ELASARI 2nd PRECIOUS 3rd DOREEN -andrew penfold,alison horler.. mixed--fleet--electric dreams -chris meech..2nd menace--dennis walter--3rd-remaris-bill bollard -- hcp- 1st-4sail-bill morgan 2nd-menace-3rd-remaris..wind light ese .
2015/2016 -race 25 -handicap start--20/3/16
20 Mar 2016
ts16 fastest-JABIRU-alan mudge,fiona kotzer -2nd-DOREEN-andrew penfold,steve roberts--3rd-RAPTOR-nicky cheshire,gary bowles-hcp--1st-JABIRU -2nd-DOREEN--3rd-PRECIOUS-steve brett,michael mixed fleet..sailed in stormy shifting conditions zero to 15 knots.
2015/2016 - championship race 4--13/3/16
14 Mar 2016
hartley ts 16--1st-BENNI--bill mudge,colin wyatt--2nd-RAPTOR--wayne butler,gary bowles--3rd-JABIRU--alan mudge,fiona kotzer--hcp--JABIRU ,RAPTOR,-3rd DOREEN--andrew penfold,chris nesbitt-hawes--mixed fleet--1st-ELECTRIC DREAMS--chris meech-2nd-MENACE-dennis walter-3rd-REMARIS -bill bollard--HCP--ELECTRIC DREAMS,REMARIS,MENACE--wind 10knots easterly.
2015/2016 race23--6/3/16
08 Mar 2016
ts16--fastest--CHARLIE BROWN-brett sims and crew--2nd-PRECIOUS--steve brett ,geoff dawes-3rd-BENNI--bill mudge,colin wyatt- hcp-1st- PRECIOUS-2nd--IT- warwick linton ,and andy--3rd--(tba) mixed fleet -fastest -ELECTRIC DREAMS--chris meech -2nd-REMARIS-bill bollard--hcp=ELECTRIC DREAMS,,2nd--REMARIS--strong n/e wind--(15 knot +)
2015/2016 race22--28/2/16--handicap start.
28 Feb 2016
ts16--hcp -1st-BENNI--bill mudge,colin wyatt-2nd--RAPTOR--becky bowles,gary bowles-3rd-ELASARI-alan scott,bec bowman--scr result--1st-BENNI -2nd-RAPTOR--3rd--JABIRU--john horler,fiona kotzer…mixed fleet--hcp-REMARIS -bill bollard-2nd--ELECTRIC DREAMS--chris meech--3rd MENACE dennis walter--scr result--1st-ELECTRIC DREAMS,,MENACE,,REMARIS..winds 5knt ESE .
2015/2016 race21--21/2/16
21 Feb 2016
ts16--fastest--RAPTOR--wayne butler,gary bowles.2nd--BENNI--bill mudge,suren rana..3rd--CHARLIE BROWN--john horler,brett sims--hcp--1st--MICKS--chris nesbitt-hawes,geoff monk--2nd-JABIRU-john woody,fiona kotzer--3rd--PRECIOUS--steve brett and claire-- mixed fleet--fastest--ELECTRIC DREAMS -chris meech--2nd-MENACE--dennis walter--3rd-REMARIS-bill bollard--handicap-ELECTRIC DREAMS,-MENACE--REMARIS--
SAILED IN LIGHT VARIABLE s/e to n/e breeze |
2015/2016 - championship race 3 --14/2/16
15 Feb 2016
ts16 --fastest-MATRIX--john horler,geoff monk..2nd-BENNI--bill mudge,colin wyatt--3rd--RAPTOR--wayne butler,gary bowles..hcp--1st--MATRIX--2nd--BENNI--3rd--RAPTOR--mixed fleet--fastest--MENACE--dennis walter--2nd-REMARIS--bill bollard--3rd - 4SAIL -bill morgan---hcp --MENACE.,REMARIS--4SAIL.. course shortened due to light variable wind.
2015/2016 --race19--7/2/16
08 Feb 2016
ts16--fastest--RAPTOR-wayne butler,gary bowles--2nd-BENNI--bill mudge ,colinwyatt--3rd--ELASARI--alan scott ,bec bowman . hcp--1st-MICKS-chris nesbit-hawes ,goeff monk--2nd-ELASARI--3rd-RAPTOR-..mixed fleet -fastest-ELECTRIC DREAMS -chris meech--2nd-REMARIS--bill bollard..3rd-THE MENACE--dennis walter--hcp-1st--4SAIL-bill morgan.2nd-electric dreams-3rd-THE MENACE-- sailed in light easterly.
2015/2016 --race18--31/1/16
03 Feb 2016
ts16--fastest-RAPTOR -wayne butler,gary bowles--2nd-DOREEN--andrew penfold,steve roberts--3rd-CHARLIE BROWN-brett sims,paul sims..hcp--1st-DOREEN--2nd--IT--warwick linton,denis hanley--3rd--CHARLIE BROWN…mixed fleet--ELECTRIC DREAMS--chris meech (only finisher!) sailed in strong gusty n/w to s/w wind
2015/2016 race17--24/1/16 (handicap start)
31 Jan 2016
ts16--fastest--BENNI..bill,alan and kyson mudge ,2nd .RAPTOR -wayne butler,gary bowles..3rd .JABIRU..john woody,fiona kotzer hcp--1st PRECIOUS -steve brett and claire 2nd--JABIRU 3rd-BENNI mixed fleet fastest--ELECTRIC DREAMS chris meech 2nd-4SALE bill morgan 3rd MENACE dennis walter hcp--ELECTRIC DREAMS , MENACE , 4SAIL -- sailed in light variable breeze.
2015/2016 race16--17/1/16.
31 Jan 2016
ts16 fastest--BENNI-bill mudge,colin wyatt 2nd..RAPTOR--wayne butler,gary bowles 3rd-JUBIRU-jonn woody,fiona kotzer. hcp--1st-BENNI 2ndRAPTOR--3rd-JABIRU mixed fleet--fastest--ELECTRIC DREAMS -chris meech 2nd-REMARIS -bill bollard 3rd -4SAIL -bill morgan…hcp 1st ELECTRIC DREAMS,REMARIS ,4SAIL
2015/2016 race15..10/1/16(race2).scr,start (short course)
27 Jan 2016
ts16.fastest--BENNI--bill mudge & colin wyatt 2nd.MATRIX..chris meech , john horler 3rd..DOREEN..andrew penfold , steve roberts-- hcp--JABIRU--john woody ,fiona kotzer 2nd-MATRIX--3rd--BENNI mixed fleet-fastest -REMARIS bill bollard 2nd--4SAIL -bill morgan hcp--REMARIS , 4SAIL..
2015/2016 race14..10/1/16.hcp start (short course)
26 Jan 2016
ts16..fastest-MATRIX--chris meech,john horler..2nd-DOREEN..andrew penfold,steve roberts..3rd..BENNI..bill mudge,colin wyatt---hcp..DOREEN ,2nd..JABIRU..john woody,fiona kotzer..3rd..matrix..mixed fleet..fastest..REMARIS,bill bollard..2nd.4SAIL..bill morgan hcp .REMARIS,,2nd. 4SAIL
2015/2016 race13--13/12/15--(championship race 2 )
13 Dec 2015
hartley ts16--SCR-1ST-BENNI--bill mudge,jason kirkman--2ND--CHARLIE BROWN--brett sims,alison horler--3RD--MATRIX--john horler,geoff monk--HCP--1ST-BENNI--2ND--IT--warwick linton,denis hanley--3RD-ELASARI--alan scott,jody head---MIXED FLEET--1ST-GIMME SHELTER--riley pike-(vis)--2ND-ELECTRIC DREAMS--chris meech--HCP--ELECTRIC DREAMS..WIND 12plus ene
2015/2016 race12--6/12/15
06 Dec 2015
ts16--1ST-RAPTOR--wayne butler,alison horler 2ND-MAYBE--steve dempsey,beck bowman--3RD--BENNI--bill mudge,colin wyatt--HCP--1ST--MAYBE--2ND-RAPTOR--3RD-ELASARI--alan scott,jody head--
mixed fleet -1st -MENACE--dennis walter--2nd--4 SAIL--bill morgan--HCP-1st-menace,2nd--4 sail. wind light ene to 5 knts |
2015/2016 race11-- 29/11/15
04 Dec 2015
TS16--1ST--RAPTOR--wayne butler, fiona bowles 2ND--MATRIX--john horler,paul foster--3RD--BENNI--bill mudge,colin wyatt--HCP-1ST-PRECIOUS-steve brett,clare--2ND-MICKS--chris nesbitt-hawes,geoff monk--3RD--MATRIX
2015/2016 race -10 --22/11/15 --short course
04 Dec 2015
TS16--SCR --1ST--RAPTOR-wayne butler,gary bowles--2ND-BENNI--bill mudge.colin wyatt-3RD-THE MATRIX-john horler,jim leddy--HCP--1ST-RAPTOR--2ND--JABIRU--john woody,fiona bowles--3RD-ELASARI--alan scott,jody head..
MIXED FLEET--1ST--ELECTRIC DREAMS--chris meech--2ND--REMARIS- bill bollard--HCP-1ST-electric dreams-2ND--,remaris WIND NE 5 KNTS |
2015/2016 -race9- 22/11/15 short course handicap start
01 Dec 2015
scr place--1st-RAPTOR--wayne butler,gary bowles 2ND--BENNI--bill mudge,colin wyatt--3RD--brett sims,ben
HCP--1ST-MICKS--chris nesbitt-hawes--geoff monk---2ND -PRECIOUS--steve brett,claire--3RD -JABIRU--john woody,fiona MIXED FLEET--SCR-ELECTRIC DREAMS--chris meech -2ND -REMARIS--bill bollard--HCP--1ST -ELECTRIC DREAMS--2ND--REMARIS..---WIND -NE--5 knts |
2015/2016 race -15/11/15 -abandoned
15 Nov 2015
race due 15/11/15 abandoned after 1 lap due to strong southerly storm.
2015/2016 race8 --1st club championship--8/11/15
10 Nov 2015
TS16--1ST-RAPTOR--wayne butler,gary bowles--2ND-BENNI-bill mudge,colin wyatt-3RD--CHARLEY BROWN-brett sims ,denis hanley--HCP-1ST-DOREEN--andrew penfold,steve roberts--2ND-BENNI--3RD-THE MATRIX--john horler,james gaw.
MIXED FLEET--SCR-1ST-ELECTRIC DREAMS-chris meech--2ND-HARD ON-john sprague--3RD-REMARIS-bill bollard--HCP-1ST-electric dreams -2ND-REMARIS--3RD-WAGS-woody haley-- wind 12 to 15 knot southerly. |
2015/2016 race7 -1/11/15
09 Nov 2015
TS16--SCR--BENNI -bill mudge,colin wyatt 2ND--PRECIOUS--steve brett,clare--3RD- IT--warwick linton,denis hanley
HCP 1ST-DOREEN--andrew penfold,alison horler 2ND-PRECIOUS--3RD --IT-- MIXED FLEET--SCR-ELECRIC DREAMS -chris meech 2ND -REMARIS -bill bollard -3RDWAGS--ian linton -HCP-- 1ST ELECTRIC DREAMS--2ND --REMARIS -3RD -WAGS WIND-- light 5knt n/e increasing to 15 knt |
2015/2016 race6--25/10/15
02 Nov 2015
TS16=1ST--BENNI-bill mudge,colin wyatt-2ND--JABIRU--john woody,fiona bowles--3RD-CHARLIE BROWN- brett sims,ben--HCP--1ST-BENNI--2ND--JABIRU--3RD--MAYBE--steve dempsey,beck bowman..
MIXED FLEET--fastest--electric dreams--chris meech 2nd---REMARIS-bill bollard 3rd---TEC2--john wood--HCP--REMARIS,THE MENACE,TEC2.. WIND--N/E 7KNTS INCREASING TO 12 KNTS. |
2015/2016 race5--18/10/15
01 Nov 2015
TS16-- scr--1ST--RAPTOR--Wayne Butler, Gary Bowles 2ND-MAYBE -steve dempsey,beck bowman 3RD--BENNI-bill mudge,colin wyatt HCP-- 1ST-ELASARI -alan scott,jody head,,2ND--JABIRU-john woody,fiona bowles -3RD--MAYBE
MIXED FLEET --SCR-THE MENACE -dennis walter 2ND-4SAIL-bill morgan, 3RD-REMARIS-bill bollard--,HCP--4SAIL ,THE MENACE,,REMARIS.. WIND S/E 5 TO 7 KNOTS. |
2015/2016 race4 -11/10/15
31 Oct 2015
TS16-- 1ST RAPTOR-wayne butler,gary bowles, 2ND--MAYBE-steve dempsey,beck bowman..3RD -CHARLIE BROWN--brett sims,ben HCP--1ST -PRECIOUS -steve brett and claire 2ND--MAYBE . 3RD--IT--warwick linton,denis hanley
MIXED FLEET --1ST -ELECTRIC DREAMS -chris meech ,2ND-REMARIS--bill bollard--3RD-4 SAIL--bill morgan HCP--1ST--REMARIS --2ND--4 SAIL--3RD--THE MENACE -dennis walter. wind light every direction before s/w storm |
2015/2016 race3--27/9/15
30 Oct 2015
TS16-SCR--1st-CHARLIE BROWN-brett sims and ben.,2nd BENNI -bill mudge, colin wyatt 3rd-RAPTOR -wayne butler,gary bowles HCP---1stPRECIOUS-steve brett and claire 2nd -MAYBE -steve dempsey,beck bowman 3RD- IT - warrick linton,denis hanley .
MIXED FLEET--BAD HABITS-- chris meech 2nd HARD ON -john sprague 3RD-REMARIS bill bollard HCP 1ST REMARIS 2ND-THE MENACE dennis walter 3RD WAGS ian linton wind 10 to 15 knots s/e |
2015/2016 race2-- 20/9/15
28 Oct 2015
scr result,1st RAPTOR- wayne butler ,gary bowles 2nd BENNI-- bill mudge and colin wyatt 3rd MAYBE-- steve dempsey and beck bowman. handicap 1st PRECIOUS steve and claire brett 2nd IT .. warwick linton and denis hanley 3rd MAYBE
mixed fleet 1st-REMARIS bill bollard 2nd THE MENACE = dennis walter 3rd 4 SAIL = bill morgan hcp- 4SAIL ,THE MENACE,, REMARIS wind 0 to 6 knts |
2015/2016 Race 1
13 Sep 2015
1st CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Beck Bowman, 2nd JABIRU - John Woody and Fiona Bowles, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton - Peter Allen. Handicap 1st JABIRU - John Woody and Fiona Bowles, 2nd CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Beck Bowman, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton and Peter Allen. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan, 2nd REMARIS - Bill Bollard. Sailed in light easterly wind.
2014/2015 Season Race 13
01 Mar 2015
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Geoff Monk, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Geoff Monk, 3rd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Steve Roberts. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan, 2nd REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton. Sailed in very light varying winds changing from east to south to north.
2014/2015 Season Race 12
22 Feb 2015
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd IT - Warrick Linton and Denis Hanley. Mixed Fleet 1st GOLDIE OLDY - Ross Bradley, 2nd REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 3rd THE MENACE - Dennis Walter. Sailed in medium NE breeze.
2014/2015 Championship Race
15 Feb 2015
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 2nd PRECIOUS - Stephen Brett and Michael Kerr, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 3rd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan. Sailed in medium south easterly breeze.
2014/2015 Season Race 11
01 Feb 2015
1st MAYBE - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Jeff Macpherson. Handicap 1st MAYBE - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 2nd DOREEN - Andrew Penford and Steve Roberts, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Mixed Fleet 1st GOLDIE OLDY - Ross, 2nd REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 3rd THE MENACE - Dennis Walter. Sailed in medium South Easterly breeze.
2014/2015 Championship Race
18 Jan 2015
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 2nd CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Beck Bowman, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st MAYBE - Steve Dempsey and Chris N-H, 2nd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Steve Roberts, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt. Mixed Fleet 1st REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 2nd THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 3rd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan. Sailed in medium south easterly breeze.
2014/2015 Championship Race
14 Dec 2014
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Kelly Buchanan. Handicap 1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd JABIRU - John Woody and Fiona Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Mixed Fleet 1st REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 2nd THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 3rd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan. Sailed in medium easterly to north easterly breeze.
2014/2015 Season Race 9
07 Dec 2014
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Geoff Monk. Handicap 1st JABIRU - John Woody and Fiona Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Mixed Fleet 1st REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 2nd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan. Sailed in medium North Easterly breeze.
2014/2015 Season Race 8
30 Nov 2014
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 3rd ELASARI - Alan Scott and Jody Head. Handicap 1st ELASARI - Alan Scott and Jody Head, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Mixed Fleet 1st REMARIS - Bill Bollard. Sailed in medium NE breeze.
2014/2015 Season Race 6
23 Nov 2014
1st CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Geoff Monk, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st JABIRU - John Woody and Fiona Bowles, 2nd ELASARI - Alan Scott and Jody Head, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 SALE - Bill Morgan, 3rd REMARIS - Bill Bollard. Sailed in medium NE to Easterly breeze.
2014/2015 Season Race 5
09 Nov 2014
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Beck Bowman, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt. Handicap 1st IT - Warrick Linton and Denis Hanley, 2nd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Steve Roberts, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Mixed Fleet 1st REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 2nd THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton. Sailed in medium Southerly breeze.
2014/2015 Season Race 4
02 Nov 2014
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 3rd SINISTER - Paul Foster and Andrew Foster. Handicap 1st DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Steve Roberts, 2nd IT - Warrick Linton and Denis Hanley, 3rd ELASARI - Alan Scott and Beck Bowman. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton. Sailed in moderate to heavy South Westerly breeze.
2014/2015 Season Race 3
26 Oct 2014
1st CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Cara Winstanley, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt. Handicap 1st CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Cara Winstanley, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd ELASARI - Alan Scott and Jody Head. Mixed Fleet 1st REMARIS - Bill Bollard, 2nd WAGS - Ian Linton. Sailed in moderate to heavy Southerly breeze.
2014/2015 Season Race 2
19 Oct 2014
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz, 2nd MATRIX - Gary Bowles and Callum Bowles, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt. Handicap 1st MAYBE - Steve Dempsey and Roslyn Dempsey, 2nd JABIRU - John Woody and Fiona Bowles, 3rd IT - Warrick Linton and Denis Hanley. Mixed Fleet 1st IMPULSE - Ross Bradley, 2nd THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 3rd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan. Sailed in moderate NE breeze.
2014/2015 Season Race 1
12 Oct 2014
1st CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Kelly Buchanan, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Sims and Kelly Buchanan, 2nd ELASARI - Alan Scott and Jody Head, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Sailed in medium north/easterly wind.
2013/2014 Season Race 15
13 Apr 2014
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Simms and Will, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman. Handicap 1st ELESARI - Alan Scott and Jodie, 2nd CHARLIE BROWN - Brett Simms and Will, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Sailed in heavy southerly wind.
2013/2014 Championship Race
06 Apr 2014
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Sailed in light consistant southerly wind with showers.
2013/2014 Season Race 14
30 Mar 2014
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd JABIRU - John Woodward and Fiona Bowles. Sailed in light consistant SE breeze.
2013/2014 Season Race 13
23 Mar 2014
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd MAGIC FINGERS - Alan Barrett and Warrick Linton. Handicap 1st MAGIC FINGERS - Alan Barrett and Warrick Linton, 2nd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Mixed Fleet 1st 4SAIL - Bill Morgan, 2nd THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton. Sailed in light to medium NE breeze.
2013/2014 Season Race 12
09 Mar 2014
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt. Handicap 1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd JABIRU - John Woodward and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton. Sailed in moderate and increasing N to NE breeze.
2013/2014 Championship Race
02 Mar 2014
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley, 2nd JABIRU - John Woodward and Warrick Linton, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd WAGS - Ian Linton, 3rd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan. Sailed in medium S to SE breeze.
2013/2014 Season Race 11
23 Feb 2014
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd ELASARI - Alan Scott and Jodie Head, 3rd JABIRU - John Woodward and Brad Anthonisz. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton. Sailed in medium Southerly breeze.
2013/2014 Season Race 10
09 Feb 2014
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Warrick Linton, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Nick Hoyle, 3rd JABIRU - John Woody and Brad Anthonisz. Handicap 1st WOODPECKER - Woody Haley and Fiona Bowles, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Nick Hoyle, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Warrick Linton. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan. Sailed in medium NE breeze. |
2013/2014 Championship Race
02 Feb 2014
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd MAGIC FINGERS - Alan Barrett and Bruce Braybrooke. Handicap 1st MAGIC FINGERS - Alan Barrett and Bruce Braybrooke, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman. Sailed in strong NE breeze.
2013/2014 Season Race 9
19 Jan 2014
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, Tied 3rd DOREEN - Warrick Linton and Denis Hanley, Tied 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler, Alison Horler and Fiona Bowles. Handicap 1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd DOREEN - Warrick Linton and Denis Hanley, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman. Sailed in strong to medium SE breeze which turned to E and eased.
2013/2014 Season Race 8
12 Jan 2014
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Sean Horler, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st WOODPECKER - Woody Haley and Fiona Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Sean Horler. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan. Sailed in medium SE breeze. |
2013/2014 Season Race 7
22 Dec 2013
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Rachel Tnkersmit, 2nd JABIRU - John Woody and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st DOOREEN - Denis Hanley and Warrick Linton, 2nd WOODPECKER - Woody Haley and Fiona Bowles, 3rd JABIRU - John Woody and Brad Anthonisz. Sailed in light Easterly breeze.
2013/2014 Season Race 6
15 Dec 2013
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st MAGIC FINGERS - Alan Barrett and Bruce Braybrooke, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd JABIRU - John Woody, Gabbie Paananen and Matt Geddies. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan, 3rd PANACEA - Richard Hopper. Sailed in moderate Easterly breeze.
2013/2014 Season Race 4
24 Nov 2013
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Fiona Bowles, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Nick Hoyle. Handicap 1st DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd JABIRU - John Woody, Brad Anthonisz and Matthew Geddes. Sailed in moderate Easterly wind.
2013/2014 Championship Race
03 Nov 2013
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton and Peter Allen. Handicap 1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Colin Wyatt, 3rd WAGS - Ian Linton and Peter Allen. Sailed in very strong W wind.
2013/2014 Season Race 3
27 Oct 2013
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman. Handicap 1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd WOODPECKER - Woody Haley and Fiona Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 Sail - Bill Morgan, 3rd THE DINKY - Richard Hopper. Sailed in moderate North Easterly breeze.
2013/2014 Season Race 2
20 Oct 2013
1st BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd (tied result) JABIRU - John Woody, Brad Anthonisz and Harry Quick, MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd BENNI - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 Sail - Bill Morgan. Sailed in moderate Easterly breeze.
2013 Season Race 16
14 Apr 2013
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Lachlan Walter, 2nd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Bill Bollard, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley, 2nd JABIRU - John Woody and Sean Horler, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 Sail - Bill Morgan. Sailed in light Easterly breeze.
2013 Championship Race
07 Apr 2013
1st BENNI - Norm Thompson and Bill Bollard, 2nd SEA BERY - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 3rd JABIRU - John Woody and Brad Anthonisz. Handicap 1st BENNI - Norm Thompson and Bill Bollard, 2nd JABIRU - John Woody and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd SEA BERY - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman. Mixed Fleet 1st The Menance - Dennis Walter. Sailed in unpredictable NE breeze. |
2013 Season Race 15
24 Mar 2013
1st BENNI- Norm Thompson and Alan Barrett, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st BENNI - Norm Thompson and Alan Barrett, 2nd RAPTR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 Sail - Bill Morgan. Sailed in frustrating light breeze which deviated from NE to SW. |
2013 Championship Race
10 Mar 2013
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Norn Thompson and Bill Bollard, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st DOOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley, 2nd ELASARI - Alan Scott and Athilla Scott, 3rd OLD CHINA - Barrie Heath and Geoff Monk. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 SAIL - Bill Morgan, 2nd PANACEA - Richard Hopper. Sailed in pleasant NE to E breeze. |
2013 Season Race 14
03 Mar 2013
1st SEA BERY- Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler - Handicap 1st OLD CHINA - Barrie Heath and Geoff Monk, 2nd SEA BERY - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 3rd MAGIC FINGERS - Alan Barrett and Bruce Braybrooke. Sailed in unpredictable South to South/East breeze. |
2013 Season Race 13
24 Feb 2013
1st SINISTER- Paul Foster and A Foster, 2nd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Bill Mudge, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles - Handicap 1st BENNI - Norm Thompson and Bill Mudge, 2nd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Sailed in strong NE breeze. |
2013 Season Race 12
10 Feb 2013
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd SHERBET LEMON - C Sparre and Julie Wright - Handicap 1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd SEA BERY - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman. Sailed in strong Southerly breeze. |
2013 Championship Race
03 Feb 2013
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Jim Wiley, Handicap 1st SEA BERRY - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd JABIRU - John Woodward and Peter Mudge. Sailed in varying Southerly wind.
2013 Season Race 11
27 Jan 2013
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley. Handicap 1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 Sail - Bill Morgan. Sailed in frustrating light SE breeze. |
2013 Season Race 10
20 Jan 2013
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Bill Mudge, 3rd RAPTOR - Bill Bollard and Denis Hanley. Handicap 1st BLOOD HOUND - Steve Roberts and Debbie Roberts, 2nd WOODPECKER - Woody Haley and Ian Aristobil-Adele, 3rd JABIRU - John Woodward and Peter Mudge. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 Sail - Bill Morgan, 3rd PANACEA - Richard Hopper. Sailed in light to medium SE breeze.
2013 Season Non-PointScore Results
13 Jan 2013
1st BENNI - Norm Thompson and Ian Aristobil-Adele, 2nd SEA BERRY - Bill Budge and Sean Wiseman 3rd JABIRU - John Woodward and Peter Mudge 4th RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler 5fth WOODPECKER - Woody Haley and Brad Anthonisz 6th THE MENACE - Dennis Walter 7th OLD CHINA - Barrie Heath and Geoff Monk 8th - MAGIC FINGERS - Alan Barrett and Rod Williams 9th - BLOOD HOUND - John Horler and Gary Bowles 10th - 4SAIL - Bill Morgan.
2012 Season Race 9
23 Dec 2012
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st SEA BERRY - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley. Mixed Fleet 1st THE MENACE - Dennis Walter. Sailed in strong NE wind.
2012 Season Race 8
16 Dec 2012
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Denis Hanley. Handicap 1st OLD CHINA - Barrie Heath and Geoff Monk, 2nd JABIRU - John Woodward and Peter Mudge, 3rd WOODPECKER - Woody Haley and Ian Aristobil-Adele. Mixed Fleet 1st The Menance - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 Sail - Bill Morgan. Sailed in unpredictable wind, varying from East to North.
2011-12 Championship Race
02 Dec 2012
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Peter Armstrong, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, Handicap 1st WOODPECKER - Woody Haley and Ian Aristobil-Adele, 2nd ELASARI - Alan Scott and Richard Engel, 3rd DOREEEN - Denis Hanley and Warrick Linton. Sailed in medium Southerly wind.
2012 Season Race 7
25 Nov 2012
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley. Handicap 1st DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley, 2nd OLD CHINA - Barrie Heath and Geoff Monk, 3rd WOODPECKER - Woody Haley and Ian Aristobil-Adele. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd PANACEA - Richard Hopper. Sailed in light to medium E to NE wind.
2012 Season Race 6
18 Nov 2012
1st BENNI - Norm Thompson and Tom Pethe, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st JABIRU - John Woodward and Ben Regent, 2nd LOUIE THE PLY - Peter Armstrong and Jacquie Armstrong, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 Sail - Bill Morgan.
Sailed in medium to strong NE wind |
2012 Season Race 5
11 Nov 2012
1st BENNI - Norm Thompson and Tom Pethe, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd JAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. Handicap 1st BENNI - Norm Thompson and Tom Pethe, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd JABIRU - John Woodward and Peter Mudge. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd PANACEA - Richard Hopper.
Sailed in unpredictable SE to NE wind |
2012 Season Championship Race
04 Nov 2012
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. 3rd
BENNI - Norm Thompson and Joseph Mee, Handicap 1st LOUIE THE PLY - Peter Armstrong and Brad Reid, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd JABIRU - John Woodward and Peter Mudge. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd Penasea - Richard Hopper. Sailed in perfect conditions steady easterly. |
2012 Season Race 4
28 Oct 2012
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Peter Mudge. Handicap 1st OLD CHINA - Barrie Heath and Geoff Monk, 2nd JABIRU - John Woodward and Gary Bowles, 3rd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley. Mixed Fleet 1st The Menance - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 Sail - Bill Morgan, 3rd PANACEA - Richard Hopper.
Sailed in frustrating light SE to E wind |
2012 Season Race 3
21 Oct 2012
1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Joseph Mee, 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 2nd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley, 3rd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Joseph Mee. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd PANACEA - Richard Hopper. Sailed in frustrating light NE to SW wind
2012 Season Race 2
14 Oct 2012
1st BENNI - Norm Thompson and Brad Anthonisz, 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley... Handicap 1st DOREEN - Andrew Penfold and Denis Hanley, 2nd BENNI - Norm Thompson and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd OLD CHINA - Barrie Heath and Geoff Monk. Sailed in light SSEast wind.
2012 Season Race 1
07 Oct 2012
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler. 3rd BENNI
Norm Thompson and Joseph Mee... Handicap 1st Woodpecker - Woody Haley and Ian Aristobel-Adele, 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Alison Horler, 3rd Jabiru - John Woodward and Peter Mudge. Sailed in very fresh South East winds 14-17knts. |
2011-12 Championship Race 5
01 Apr 2012
1st EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson 2nd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron. 3rd
MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, Handicap 1st RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson , 3rd Curtains - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd The Menance - Dennis Walter, 3rd Honey I shrunk the Skiff - Peter Armstrong and Bradley Reid. Sailed in perfect conditions steady light easterly. |
2011-12 Club racing results Race 16
25 Mar 2012
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Denis Hanley. Handicap 1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Denis Hanley, 3rd Old China - Barrie Heath and Geoff Monk. Mixed Fleet 1st The Menace - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4Sale - Bill Morgan. Sailed in light, very variable east nor east winds.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 15
18 Mar 2012
1st EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Denis Hanley. Handicap 1st Elasari - Alan Scott and Tim, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson 3rd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, Sailed in extremely difficult conditions high winds 20-30kts.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 14
11 Mar 2012
1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz.. Handicap 1st MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Jabiru - John Woodward and Peter Mudge. Mixed Fleet 1st The Menance - Dennis Walter, 2nd Honey I shrunk the Skiff - Peter Armstrong and Bradley Reid,3rd The Dinky - Richard Hopper.
2011-12 Championship Race 4
04 Mar 2012
1st EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd RAPTOR - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron. Handicap 1st EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson 2nd MATRIX - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd Jabiru - John Woodward and Peter Mudge. Mixed Fleet 1st 4 Sail- Bill Morgan, 2nd Honey I shrunk the Skiff - Peter Armstrong and Bradley Reid,3rd The Dinky - Richard Hopper.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 13
19 Feb 2012
1st Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd - EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Curtains - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, Handicap 1st Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd Curtains - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem,3rd - EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson. Sailed in light East Nor East winds ranging from 2 - 7knts.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 12
12 Feb 2012
1st Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz, 2nd Sea Berry - Billy Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 3rd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson. Handicap 1st Old China - Barrie Heath and Geoff Monk,2nd Sea Berry - Billy Mudge and Sean Wiseman. 3rd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz, Mixed Fleet 1st Menace - Dennis Walter, 2nd Hist Skiff - Peter Armstrong and Bradley Reid, 3rd The Dinky . Sailed in light variable conditions 4-7kts E- NE winds.
2011-12 Club racing results Championship Race
05 Feb 2012
1st Raptor - Wayne Butler and Joseph Mee, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Sea Berry - Billy Mudge and Sean Wiseman. Handicap 1st Raptor - Wayne Butler and Joseph Mee, 2nd Sea Berry - Billy Mudge and Sean Wiseman. 3rd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson.Mixed Fleet 1st Menace - Dennis Walter, 2nd Hists - Peter Armstrong and Bradley Reid, 3rd 4Sail - Bill Morgan. Sailed in light variable conditions 4-7kts E- NE winds.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 11
29 Jan 2012
1st Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Ian Aristobel-Adele. Handicap 1st Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Ian Aristobel-Adele. Sailed in very fresh conditions 10-17 kts NE winds.
Australia Day Regatta
26 Jan 2012
1st Raptor - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Matrix - Daniel Bergan and Gary Bowles, 4th Woodpecker - Woody Haley and Ian Aristobel-Adele, Handicap 1st Matrix - Daniel Bergan and Gary Bowles, 2nd - EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Woodpecker - Woody Haley and Ian Aristobil-Adele . Sailed out of Gosford SC in light NE to NNE up to 7knts.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 10
22 Jan 2012
1st - EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd - Raptor - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron, 3rd - Sherbet Lemon - Carl Sparre and Julie Wright, Handicap 1st - EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd - Matrix - John Horler and Denis Hanley, 3rd - Raptor - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron Mixed Fleet 1st - Don't Panic - Kaela Sparre. Sailed in very strong S to SE winds up to 18kts.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 9
15 Jan 2012
1st - Raptor - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron, 2nd - EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap 1st Raptor - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron, 2nd - Magic Fingers - Alan Barrett and Rod Williams, 3rd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson. Mixed Fleet 1st - 4Sail - Bill Morgan. Sailed in light NE to NNE up to 11kts with heavy showers.
2011-12 Club racing results - Social race
08 Jan 2012
1st Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron, 3rd Jabiru - John Woodward and Peter Mudge. Handicap 1st Magic Fingers - Craig Philip and Alan Barrett, 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron, 3rd Old China - Daniel Bergan and Barrie. Heath.Mixed Fleet 1st - 4Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd The Dinky. - Richard, Sailed in strengthening NE winds 5-12 Knts.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 8
18 Dec 2011
1st EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz. Handicap 1st Magic Fingers - Alan Barrett and Donnie Maclurcan, 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz,, 3rd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Mixed Fleet 1st Menace - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4Sail - Bill Morgan The Dinky DNF. Sailed in changeable north east winds ranging from 6 - 14 knts.
2011-12 Club racing results Championship Race
11 Dec 2011
1st - Raptor - Wayne Butler and Cheryl Cameron, 2nd - Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd - Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. Handicap 1st - Blue Moon - Stephen Roberts and Debbie Cordner, 2nd - Jabiru - John Woodward and Peter Mudge, 3rd - Woodpecker - Woody Haley and Ian Aristobil-Adele. Mixed Fleet 1st Menance - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4Sail. Sailed in extremely light east to north east winds ranging from 0-6 knts.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 7
27 Nov 2011
1st - EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd - Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd - Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. Handicap 1st - Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, The race was sailed in extremely difficult conditions with strong gusty West winds steady 15knts gusting 18 -22kts. Old China and SeaBerry retired.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 6
20 Nov 2011
1st - EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd - Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd - Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. The race was sailed in extremely difficult conditions with gusty strong West and NorWest winds steady 12knts gusting 18 -20kts. Most sensible skippers decided not to sail. Raptor retired.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 5
13 Nov 2011
1st Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles (again), 2nd - EXIT - Norm Thompson and Andrew Penfold, 3rd Raptor - John Woodward and Dennis Walter, Handicap 1st Blue Moon - Stephen Roberts and Debbie Cordner, 2nd Old China - Barrie Heath and Peter Mudge, 3rd Woodpecker - Woody Haley and Ian Aristobil-Adele. Sailed in north east to east winds ranging from 8 - 11 knts. An excellent sailing day.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 4
06 Nov 2011
1st Raptor - Wayne and Cheryl Butler, 2nd Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 3rd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, Handicap 1st Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Raptor - Wayne and Cheryl Butler. Mixed Fleet - 1st Menace, 2nd 4Sail, 3rd The Dinki .Sailed in very variable north to north east winds ranging from 0 - 10 knts
2011-12 Club racing results Race 3
30 Oct 2011
1st Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Raptor - Wayne and Cheryl Butler Handicap 1st Old China - Barrie Heath and Peter Mudge, 2nd Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 3rd Magic Fingers, Mixed Fleet 1st 4Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd Menace 3rd The Dinky.
2011-12 Club racing results Race 2
23 Oct 2011
1st EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd Raptor - Wayne and Cheryl Butler, 3rd Matrix - John Horler and Andrew Penfold Handicap 1st Old China - Barrie Heath and Peter Mudge, 2nd EXIT - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Raptor - Wayne and Cheryl Butler. Mixed Fleet - 1st Menace - Dennis Walter, 2nd 4 Sail - Bill Morgan, 3rd The Dinky.Sailed in light variable south to south east winds ranging from 7 - 12 kts
2011 Season Championship Heat 5
03 Apr 2011
1st Matrix - John Woodward (Woody 2) and Gary Bowles, 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz 3rd Magoo - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman. Handicap 1st Magoo - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman 2nd Matrix - John Woodward (Woody 2) and Gary Bowles 3rd Old China - Barrie Heath and Peter Mudge. Mixed Fleet 1st 4Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd The Dinky.Sailed in extremely frustrating light variable east winds ranging from 1-7 kts The lead boats changed places numerous times.
2011 Season Race 15 - Club Racing
20 Mar 2011
Line 1st Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. Handicap 1st Blue Moon – John Woodward (Woody 2) and Stephen Roberts, 2nd Jabiru - Denis Hanley and Denis Walter 3rd Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. Sailed in light variable South East winds changing from 3-12 kts
2011 Season Race 14 - Club Racing
13 Mar 2011
1st Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles Handicap 1st Old China Barrie Heath and Peter Mudge, 2nd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. Sailed in variable North Easterly winds 6-12 knts
2011 Season Championship Heat 4
06 Mar 2011
1st - Raptor - Wayne Butler and Joseph Mee, 2nd Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. Handicap > 1st - Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 2nd - Raptor - Wayne Butler and Joseph Mee, 3rd Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson. Sailed in light variable South Easterly winds variable direction changing from 3-10 kts.
2011 Season Race 13 - Club Racing
27 Feb 2011
1st - Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz, 2nd Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles. Handicap > 1st - Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz, 2nd Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Old China - Barrie Heath and Philip Gregory. Mixed Fleeet 1st - 4 Sail - Bill Morgan. Sailed in light variable Westerly winds changing from 3-12 kts and sometimes gusty.
NSW annual Lake Macquarie challenge
20 Feb 2011
1st Exit - Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz , 2nd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. Saratoga club won the challenge with boats in the first three positions. Sailed in light variable winds at the start with increased pockets of wind with many large wind shifts and a storm at the end of the day .
2011 Season Race 12 - Championship Heat 3 - Re-Sailed
13 Feb 2011
1st Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd Jabiru - Dennis Walter and John Horler. Handicap > 1st Magoo - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 2nd Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 3rd Raptor - Wayne Butler, Brad Anthonisz. . Sailed in gusty SE winds that made sailing challenging with many large wind shifts.
2011 Season Race 10 - Championship Heat 6
23 Jan 2011
Club Season race 9; 1st Jabiru - Denis Hanley and Warwick Linton. 2nd Up In Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 3rd Woodpecker - Woody Hayley and John Woodward. Championship - 1st Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 2nd Up In Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 3rd Raptor - Wayne Butler, Brad Anthonisz and Joseph Mee. Sailed in strong gusty N winds that made sailing challenging.
2011 Season Race 9 - Championship Heat 5
16 Jan 2011
Club Season race 9; 1st Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson. 2nd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd Woodpecker - Woody Hayley and John Woodward. Championship - 1st Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd Up In Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. The race was sailed in almost no air with 0 - 4 knts variable E and SE winds was very frustraiting sailing.
2011 Season Race 8 - Championship Heat 4
09 Jan 2011
1st Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler, Joseph Mee and Brad Anthonisz, 3rd Up In Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem. Club Season race 8; 1st Magoo - Andrew Penfold and Denise Spencer 2nd Up In Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 3rd Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson. The race was sailed in nice variable N and NE winds about 18kts
2011 Season Race 7 - Championship Heat 3
12 Dec 2010
1st Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd Jabiru - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 3rd Matrix - John Horler and Denis Hanley. Club Season race 8 1st Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 2nd Jabiru - Bill Mudge and Sean Wiseman, 3rd Woodpecker - Woody Hayley and John Woodward, Mixed Fleet 1st 4Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd The Dinky.
2011 Season Race 7 - Championship Heat 2
06 Dec 2010
1st Exit - Norm and Lesley Thompson, 2nd Raptor - Wayne Butler and Joseph Mee, 3rd Magoo - Dennis Walter and Denis Hanley. Handicap 1st Magoo, 2nd Exit, 3rd Old China Barry Heath and Peter Mudge.Mixed Fleet 1st - 4Sail - Bill Morgan, 2nd The Dinky. Sailed in light to variable E through SE winds 2-8 Knts.
2011 Season Race 6
28 Nov 2010
1st Raptor - Wayne Butler and Bill Mudge 2nd equal Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles 2nd equal Exit - Norm Thompson and Sean Wiseman. 4th Mr Magoo - Dennis Walter and Denis Hanley. Fastest time Raptor - Wayne Butler and Bill Mudge. Sailed in extremely light and variable NE through SW to W winds 0 - 4 Knts.
2011 Season Race 5
21 Nov 2010
1st Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles 2nd Jabiru - Wayne and Brad Butler and Sean Wiseman, 3rd Exit - Norm Thompson and Bill Morgan.
Sailed in fresh 15 - 18 Knt NE winds. Fastest time Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles |
2011 Season Race 4
14 Nov 2010
1st Woodpecker - Woody Hayley and John Woodward, 2nd Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 3rd Jabiru - Andrew
Sailed in fresh 12 -15 Knt NE winds. Fastest time Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles. |
2011 Season Race 3
07 Nov 2010
1st Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles 2nd Old China - Woody Hayley and John Woodward, 3rd Magoo - Dennis Walter, Denis Hanley, and Jenny Hanley.
Sailed in fresh 12 -15 Knt NE winds. Fastest time Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles. |
2011 Season Race 2
31 Oct 2010
1st Up in Arms - Daniel Bergan and John Wakem, 2nd Woodpecker - Woody Hayley and John Woodward, 3rd Magoo - Dennis Walter, Denis Hanley, and Jenny Hanley.
Sailed in fresh 12 -15 Knt NE winds. Fastest time Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles. |
2011 Season Race 1
10 Oct 2010
1st Exit - Norm Thompson and Leslie, 2nd Matrix - John Horler and Gary Bowles, 3rd Up in ARMS. Sailed in reasonably fresh 12 -18 knt NE winds. Fastest time Exit - Norm Thompson and Leslie.